The other night, I was reading my Bible and really looking at prayer. I was reading all the prayer verses and of course the whole "pray without ceasing" came to mind. So I found the verse (1 Thessalonians 5:14-22) and as I read it this time, God spoke a fresh word to me. "This should be your to do list Sara. These should be your goals everyday." So here it is....the new and highly improved to do list....
-Warn those who are unruly
-Comfort the fainthearted
-Uphold the weak
-Be patient with all
-Pursue what is good for all
-Rejoice always
-Pray without ceasing
-In everything give thanks
-Do not quench the Spirit
-Do not despise prophecies
-Test all things
-Hold fast to what is good
-Abstain from every evil
This is a pretty tall order, but I am really trying to implement this into my daily life. I know that shifting my priorities to God's to do list will help me to have a larger impact that any to do list I could come up with. I will let you know how it goes.